EQ Academy

Dear parents;

In our world where individualization makes people lonely day by day, we have prepared a beautiful program that does not leave young people and children alone.

While young people and children socialize, we want them to be able to define themselves as individuals with strong communication and self-expression, one of the most significant competencies of the 21st century.

Our psychologist and pedagogue experts who accompanied us on our journey with this ideal prepared an environment where our children can read books as a team, criticize a subject, brainstorm, and implement projects.

From the age of 7 to 16, we offer your children the opportunity to discover life with their teams by bringing them together in groups formed with their peers.

Your choice will be the best investment in your child's emotional intelligence.

Psychological Counselor
A.Zeynep Gümüşsoy

Aida Janishbekova

Program nasıl uygulanır

How the program is implemented:

The group consists of 6-8 students.

Once a week, EQ Coach conducts a workshop and "Critical Reading" session with the students.

An awareness workshop is held with parents once a month.

The project-based learning method will be practiced.

Examples of Workshop Topics

  • 7 secrets of being a team
  • Are my goals SMART?
  • I am aware of my actions "Awareness of Responsibility".
  • The power of words "Communication".

With the tests to be applied;

  • Personality characteristics are determined.
  • Learning paths are understood.
  • Emotional intelligence is discovered.
  • Career fields are found.


  • Students learn to identify and manage negative emotions such as stress and anger
  • Students' psychological profile and mental development tests are conducted and reported. Students learn their skill areas through test reports.
  • Learn to express their own emotions
  • Practice learning alone and in teams
  • Improves financial intelligence
  • Develops solution-oriented thinking skills when confronted with problems
  • Learns to be empathetic by putting themselves in the shoes of others
  • Develops self-discipline and focuses on taking the necessary steps without procrastinating while moving towards their goals
  • Learns to use time and energy effectively by setting priorities
  • Learn to express their thoughts fluently in small and large groups and improve their communication skills
  • Interacts harmoniously with other people in new environments without giving up their ideas
  • Learns to protect their rights without violating the rights of others
  • Learns to focus on the moment and approach their work with awareness
  • An environment in which universal values such as responsibility, respect for others, and doing good are learned without dictation

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